After using the Beebo, I was so thankful not to have to use my chin as a bottle balancer and end up with a stiff neck. Especially where you were trying to eat or answer a phone call and you use your chin to balance and hold the baby's bottle because there was nothing else! Not all of us can breast feed and sometimes you're on the go whether you're exclusively pumping, bottle feeding or nursing. This pick me up helped my life easier by providing a place to balance the bottle without worrying the height was wromg and it would make my little to eat too much. Even at a year old, he still needs milk and loves to be cuddled. This fits my thin shoulders and my significant other's.
How the Beebo started: “When my little girl was a baby and I was bottle feeding her, I always had this idea in my head of having a free hand,” says Hill. The idea faded until his son was born. With a toddler running around, having a free hand during feeding time became imperative. He fashioned the first Beebo from a cellphone clip, a silicone table mat, and a ribbed drying mat."
We have all been there where we wanted to just eat after a long day of feeding, changing, playing and lack of sleep. The Beebo is a great idea to provide you with hands-free feeding while engaging with significant other and great for a family with multiples!
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