If you havent seen a Spray Pal before you can check out my video warning real poo!:
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Cloth Diapers
Lately I have been using cloth diapers. I just did the laundry and holy mother they stink so much! It smells like pee. Like that hard and disgusting stench of pee. Now I do love my cloth, I didn't love it so much when I had to share a washing machine with hundreds of residents and other people. It wasn't the fact that I just had my child, but that I had to put him in a stroller, use the basket under the stroller to carry the laundry. I felt like I had two shopping carts I was trying to maneuver. Now that we moved life is so much easier in so many different ways, I don't need to travel upstairs by elevator or baby wearing and I can let the little sleep without bringing him with me because I can't leave him even for a minute by himself. Cloth diapers definitely has a learning curve and there is so much to learn as far as washing, the fit, which brands you like whether it's mainstream or custom and if you don't mind buying used to save even more money. I love saving money. Also I forgot to mention when baby goes #2. Yes there's that. EW right? It is so much better to use the sprayer and SprayPal then dunking and swishing, hand washing avoiding #2. And I can use the set for my cloth pads during menstruation.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Cooking and Life with my little
Cooking with a little is much different than it used to be when it was just me. I would have cooked it one at a time if I even felt like having a home cooked meal, and no worries about time passing if I didn't feel hungry. Life is much different now in many ways, saving money for 1, going out to eat almost every night because San Francisco had that luxury of having so many diverse restaurants and gems. Now it's cook now and make it for tomorrow, the next day and the day after. I love my child, don't get me wrong, it's just he has a schedule I am getting used to, constantly changing and growing and then there's the picky stage. He will eat but only if it's something he likes. This would be great if he was babbling, meaning bhasidhsdsgalsfka. Yes that's exactly how it sounds to me. So when I make food, I love the fact that you can season it inside a bowl or even easier a Ziploc bag and prepare it later. Oh and my cravings, they get fulfilled but only half assed because I used to just pig out and fulfill every inch of my tongue. Even if it was a taco with chow mein. I love that if I'm missing a piece to the recipe I can also order it on Amazon. Life is much different but I am eating so much healthier. Not to mention it's cold so I don't feel like going out except for taking him out for a walk. It's a nice relaxing bit of exercise with him picking up sticks, rocks and avoiding cigarette butts. Well I'm off to make swedish pancakes. The lingonberry jam from Amazon came.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Welch’s® Refreshingly Simple™
Welch’s® Refreshingly Simple™ is a product I was fortunate in trying for free thanks to bzzagent and it's pretty good! At first I was expecting a peach and mango t aste so it sort of tasted more like medicine to me. A week later I tried it again and tasted more of a grape and mango mix. The after taste is pretty good but has a different taste. It's great during the day, but the sugar content is a bit high if that is something to concern you. It is made from 100% Juice but from concentrate, definitely something I normally wouldn't buy even though it has no artificial sweeteners, no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial preservatives or flavors. A huge downside for me. I do like the taste and hope they change it to a Grape and Mango, it doesn't sound appealing but tastes pretty good.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The DivaCup size 1
The DivaCup size 1, made from medical grade silicone, and has ridges and a stem for you to pull out comfortably. The DivaCup can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time and only needs to be clean 2 or 3 times a day with warm water and the DivaWash or a mild, unscented and oil free soap to prevent irritation in your vagina. The Divacup can be found in stores and online, in 23 countries around the world!
You can use the DivaCup on your whole period just make sure you boil the cup to avoid any bacteria even though silicone doesn't house bacteria very well. After you insert, feel around to make sure the cup is pen, if not, push down and out and that should help you have a good suction. I couldn't feel the Diva Cup inside my vagina
DivaCup Store Finder: http://divacup.com/where-to-buy/store-finder/ and buy online!
Size 1 or Size 2? Check out this link:http://divacup.com/how-it-works/sizing/
Check out their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review or endorsed. All opinions are my own and my opinions remain unbiased.

You would wear the DivaCup similar like a tampon, it is to collect the blood without leaking or causing any discomfort. It's amazing that you can reuse it for up to 1 year but really up to you as when you feel you should replace the DivaCup!
My personal suggestions while using a cup:
Not recommended for someone who has a low cervix of 2inches and under u How to measure your cervix, insert a finger in your vagina and you would feel a little bulb. Measure it on your cycle as your cervix can move on your period. Cut your nails as that can irritate you and cut you. If your cervix is shorter during the beginning and higher during the end, the diva cup is still something you can use. If you find that the stem is only irritating, you can trim it a little or even flip the cup inside out. Only do this if you are comfortable reaching for it. If you feel you need more practice you may want the stem.Remember to breathe, bear down and relax. If you can't pull it out don't worry. Trying later with water-based lubricant or taking a shower can definitely help relax you, the more tense you get the harder it can be to get it out. Cleaning is very easy, before each cycle you will need to boil the cup to sterilize and each dump out you will want to make sure your hands are washed thoroughly, reach in and then grab your cup from the stem or bottom and go upwards to break the suction with the cup. Then take it out slowly and dump out. Rinse and reinsert! How easy is that?! I love the Diva Cup, the size 1 is perfect for me as I have a tall but narrow vagina. You can tell the quality is well made and made from one of the highest quality of silicone. Thank you DivaCup for the wonderful cup!
DivaCup Store Finder: http://divacup.com/where-to-buy/store-finder/ and buy online!
Size 1 or Size 2? Check out this link:http://divacup.com/how-it-works/sizing/
Check out their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review or endorsed. All opinions are my own and my opinions remain unbiased.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Honey Hole by Camopool
The Honey Hole by Vanish Spa/Camopool is amazing! I love that I can control this to be a kiddie pool for my son or for adults during tailgating parties. It is lightweight, inflatable and portable pool that goes anywhere with you! It is 10 feet diameter by 30in High. There is a triple layer of .60 Mil Laminated PVC with fiber mesh for durability.
It comes with a debris cover for when it's not in use you can keep bugs, leaves, tree branches and such to prevent mold and bacteria growth. It only takes 10 mins to set up and has a air filter pump! You need a filter pump because it keeps the water circulating and filters out minerals and chlorine that may be in your city water naturally. A filter pump prevents your pool from getting moss or mold growth. The maximum amount of people this pool can hold is 5. Simply inflate the pool top ring, attach the air filter pump and add water inside the pool walls. The pool walls will rise with the water you add. This is very easy to store and looks amazing with the camouflage print on the outside pool and on the inside it says Vanish Spa in beautiful orange lettering. Make sure that your area where you lay your Honey Hole is flat or the water will try to go to the lower side and refuse to rise.
You can purchase the Honey Hole here for $149 on sale: http://vanishspa.com/collections/all/products/honey-hole-camo-pool-realtree-max-5
You can purchase the Honey Hole here for $149 on sale: http://vanishspa.com/collections/all/products/honey-hole-camo-pool-realtree-max-5
The Vanish Spa customer service is very helpful and there to answer any questions you need regarding the products they carry like the Vanish Spa Hot Tub, relaxing bath or spa products.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
I have been enjoying the weather here in California. It's been nice to wear dresses and skirts but now it's getting colder! Time to pull out my hoodies and jeans! My time in San Francisco was nice and warm too! Early September is probably the warmest there. I watched over two dogs, a Pitbull and a miniature Poodle and Chihuahua mix. The mix definitely thinks she's a pitbull. If she could read she would probably get mad at me. The Pitbull had some pulling problems but we worked on that and he caught on immediately. My son loved having dogs around. He followed them like one. He played in their bed and played with the dog's toys. Now it's nice to be home though, with no dogs and just me and him to care for. Running around and having a million places to eat is nice but it's also nice to have home cooked foods. Yes that is formula, we are still nursing and trying to wean while failing. I am thinking of getting mint tea, a friend said that helps and sage in peanut butter. If you have any tips let me know please!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Home away from Home
The last 12 days I have been out of my home helping a friend take care of her dog in San Francisco. She has these two adorable dogs who are still puppies so caring them is a little work. My poor baby boy didn't have his usual toys or surroundings. He was in the car and constantly crying. Lately he wants me to lay my head in his lap with him and he finally falls asleep. We still co-sleep. I tried putting him in his crib but once his legs grew strong enough he knew how to get out. My tall little boy. So we transitioned and fear that he was going to fall or look for me I started co sleeping and nursing still. We still breast feed and seems like he still doesn't want to stop. Who would right? Anyways, finally home and he's asleep. I'm so thankful to help my friend and surround my son around animals. I always wanted that as a kid.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Cup Comparison Chart
Hello. I am just here to show you this link about how to compare a menstrual cup you may have to find a better fit if you haven't already. If you have used it for more than a few months, maybe it's time to look into a new one. Disclosure: All these cups are mine. I still have all these cups. I feel it's important to find the cup you need. It can be hard to rule out a cup since they are expensive and there are so many pretties to choose from. I hope you find this link helpful. Disclosure: some of these I have received for a honest product review. https://www.pinterest.com/Mommylifeof2014/menstrual-cup-comparison/
Friday, August 21, 2015
The Beebo
After using the Beebo, I was so thankful not to have to use my chin as a bottle balancer and end up with a stiff neck. Especially where you were trying to eat or answer a phone call and you use your chin to balance and hold the baby's bottle because there was nothing else! Not all of us can breast feed and sometimes you're on the go whether you're exclusively pumping, bottle feeding or nursing. This pick me up helped my life easier by providing a place to balance the bottle without worrying the height was wromg and it would make my little to eat too much. Even at a year old, he still needs milk and loves to be cuddled. This fits my thin shoulders and my significant other's.
How the Beebo started: “When my little girl was a baby and I was bottle feeding her, I always had this idea in my head of having a free hand,” says Hill. The idea faded until his son was born. With a toddler running around, having a free hand during feeding time became imperative. He fashioned the first Beebo from a cellphone clip, a silicone table mat, and a ribbed drying mat."
We have all been there where we wanted to just eat after a long day of feeding, changing, playing and lack of sleep. The Beebo is a great idea to provide you with hands-free feeding while engaging with significant other and great for a family with multiples!
Buy the Beebo at http://shop.thebeebo.com
See the Beebo here: https://vimeo.com/109578279
Friday, July 31, 2015
New Mom Must Haves
Rockaroo by 4moms- the rocker you plug in and it plays music without having to lift a foot or hand.
Yoomi- the self warming bottle, forget about getting a bottle warmer, bottle warmer for the car and bottles with a million parts. This has all you need and it warms the right temperature thats the closest to breastfeeding
Cloth diapers- even if you use disposables, after the bath or shower you'll feel so happy to put your baby in a cloth diaper after spending weeks in pp pads
Spray Pal Bundle- the spray pal bundle includes a splatter shield and diaper sprayer, this is essential because it makes your life cleaning your cloth diapers a breeze! Easy installation even in rental homes and vacation.
Wubbanub- a pacifier that attaches to small stuffed animal, great for sensory movements in the first few months and easy to find in the dark
Oogaa Meal Time Set- Safe Silicone, dishwasher safe, bowls and plates are oven safe and repels bacteria. Made from High grade silicone and reusable!
Diono Car Seat- weight range is 5lbs to 120lbs, extended rear facing from 5-50lbs and Forward Facing from 25-90lbs then a additional booster and has a product life of 12 years
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Things A Beginner Cloth Pad User Should Know
Starting off cloth can be a little bit overwhelming. There is tons pf makers that offer different styles, materials and lengths.
Styles- flared, straight, curved, round
Length- there are lots of lengths available from 6in to 16in. They vary between light, moderate and heavy
Which one works best for you?
How do you find out?
Measure your boxer or brief panty from the top of the front waistline to determine the sizes in between that can work for you. If it is too big it can hang outside and if too small there is no coverage. I think 2 inches below would determine the size you would want to start off with.
Gusset- measure the inside of your panty to figure out what size works for you
Problem with your pad you ordered? Talk to the shop owner about your issue and concern.
Weather- is it a hot where you are? Cotton or Wicking Jersey is recommended in the summer and Minky in the Winter
If I knew what I know now, I would try one or two styles just to get an idea of size, fit and length. I'd try pul, windpro fleece and flannel backed. I'd try all fabrics. I'd research into shop owners and ask questions for a feel of their customer service.
Prairie Valley Cloth- the shop owner is so sweet, i learned my gusset size and length by her simply asking questions that helped me. She has wonderful customer service
Shop link:
Mother Moon Pads
Shop link:
Me Sew Funky
Thrifty Mama Creations
Shop link
The Self-Warming Bottle: Yoomi
I have this bottle and I love it! It's perfect for on the go when you need something to warm up for baby to drink milk! Its warms up in 30 seconds! No more crying long while youre trying to calm your baby.
The bottle is really easy to clean and is designed and assembled in London, England.
The yoomi is BPA Free and Recyclable. You can travel in a plane and long road trips. The level of liquid inside the warmer is just under 100ml!
I love this bottle because i'm always looking for products for my life to be easier! It's easy cleaning! Only a few pieces to clean! I'm a yoomi Mom!
Friday, July 17, 2015
The Spray Pal Bundle
I received the Spray Pal bundle for review. All opinions are my own and this is my homest Review. I was so excited to recieve this as I heard it's great for staying dry! I used the shower head and a bucket to spray my child's diaper off of poo and pee. Every time I felt like I needed to shower and put so much energy. I didn't feel comfortable dunking and so when the Spray Pal Bundle came I was so excited! I snapped the SprayPal and worked on my first diaper! 5,4,3,2,1 and swish the poo slid right off! The water pressure is very strong and unbelievable! I didnt have to touch anything because its so easy to clip on and will not slide off. You can also twist the Splatter Shield to get any excess water out! I give this a 5 stars out of 5 and definitely a must have if you dont want a splattery mess! Here's a video for you to see how easy it is: https://youtube.com/watch?v=t-w03JUp6KY
Disclosure: I received this at no cost for my honest and unbiased review.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Baby jogger City Select Yes Or No?
I wanted a stroller that could work as a double when I'm expecting another child.
I think it would be in a few years but wanted to spend money on one item so I didn't have to buy a double stroller after already having a single child stroller.
I looked into the baby jogger, and saw it was $499.99 for one seat. I thought well I can always use a second seat if and when the time comes.
I hope my pros and cons is useful to you.
Baby Jogger City Select in Onyx as a single stroller.
Very Large Basket, able to zip to extend
Seat is very padded and looks very cushy for baby's back
Very sturdy
Large tires
45lbs each seat
Second seat is right in front so both baby looks around
Adjustable hand bar
Adjustable foot rest
Sun canopy does not let baby see clearly but the floor.
Onyx color makes seat very warm, not able to use in a area over 85°
Very heavy stroller
Does not work well in a hill neighborhood
Must take seat off before putting in trunk
Does not come with cup holder or belly bar
All in all, I still really like the Baby Jogger, it's definitely sturdy and having my kid and future kids be able to look around while not causing front seat back seat tension is important to me
I believe they should have cooling gel material in the darker colors for hot days and include a cup holder. For baby jogger all accessories are additional. That's fine if it's the bassinet but I don't feel that should be for a standard size stroller.
Especially when you're paying 499 + on tax, accessories and a second seat.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Hospital Bag And Stay Expectations
Heres the list I posted on my blog for other moms to know:
Hospital bag
Insurance card
Flip flops (the nurses will want u to walk around)
Phone charger
Change of loose clothes to go home in
1 or 2 thick pads and underwear u dont care about, to go home in)
Nursing bra
2 Sleeper (summer nights will be too cold because of ac)
2 hats
1 onesie
2 receiving Blanket
4 Mittens
1 pair socks
Swaddle me
Carseat last day
Hospital should provide
Baby Beanie
Receiving blanket
(If you have a pet: Take a hospital receiving blanket that baby used for pet to smell)
Boob & Baby Nipple Butter(lanolin free and vegan)
Prepare your person to stay with you at night
Something to keep occupied
The nurses recommend for u to have someone help you during your stay and for u to get rest
Sleep Regression?
Once my son falls asleep, I pick him up and will put him in his crib. The second I move him he wakes up. He knows where he's going and he starts to freak out. Wah Wah Wah. What am I to do. He won't sleep anywhere but in bed where I sleep. Even if he is very tired, he won't budge. I would love to have a bed to myself. Any tips or suggestions? He is turning 1 year in 2 months. Time has went by so fast. Could it be because I moved to a new place? New environment even though we have been here for a few months? I'm not sure. I'm wondering if it's because he can tell my mattress from his. Maybe if I buy a more expensive toddler mattress that is foam and more cushy he would sleep in his crib easier. We have lowered the crib to the very last setting, flipped it backwards so the shorter side is facing the wall and put it in a corner so only one short side end is out. My son is a climber and he's quite strong. At 18lbs and 30inches.
Anyways if you have any suggestions or tips to help us out, all would be appreciated.
Anyways if you have any suggestions or tips to help us out, all would be appreciated.
Juju Cup
The Juju Cup Size 1 and 2. I love the Juju Menstrual Cup. It's soft, flexible and easy to use. I haven't had any problems of it opening after a few hours either. I have heard that people this problem with other brands. It has a 12 hour protection, I don't have to worry about leakage while I'm sleeping, though to be extra safe I also purchased some cloth liners to change if I do notice a leakage. I tried it without aunt flow and I couldn't even tell it's in! I never used a cup before and this definitely makes me want to keep using it. I have had 1 c-section birth and would fit the size 1 or if you have a low cervix. Size 2 is for post vaginal birth. What I love most about it is that it is very flexible and pops right open, even though it is very soft. It's great for a beginner like me. I was a bit intimidated at first. I have only used tampons and pads that were disposable. Now I won't have to add more waste. My only wish is that the cup bag it came with was lined with PUL on the inside. Made in Australia #ecoproduct #12hourcoverage #flexible
Disclosure: I received this at no cost for my honest and unbiased review.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
If i could have my dream stroller, it would be large sun canopy, high weight limit recline and change from rear to forward seat and add seat. In my dreams.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
That go through your head:
What was my life before?
Boy he looks perfect while sleeping.
What did I do?
I miss him when he was like this..
Where's my phone so I can capture this moment?
Omg im so tired.
Okay ill add this to the list of what he needs next.
Can he just stop growing?!
Will I ever sleep?
Cheers to my first post
Its 3:08am pst. Im in CA with my 6month old in my arms. Usually around this time he would get really fussy meaning he's still hungry after nursing and tired. Been feeding him plum organics baby food since I originally was gonna mash up some bananas to feed him but didnt know if he would like it. Guess thats just the first thing that comes tonyour head when you have a newborn while not sure what youre doing. We been using Oogaa Baby Utensils and plates and he abolutely love using them and using them as teethers after he eats. I miss those days when he would be kicking and punching in my stomach. He seemed so happy there.
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