Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I have been enjoying the weather here in California. It's been nice to wear dresses and skirts but now it's getting colder! Time to pull out my hoodies and jeans! My time in San Francisco was nice and warm too! Early September is probably the warmest there. I watched over two dogs, a Pitbull and a miniature Poodle and Chihuahua mix. The mix definitely thinks she's a pitbull. If she could read she would probably get mad at me. The Pitbull had some pulling problems but we worked on that and he caught on immediately. My son loved having dogs around. He followed them like one. He played in their bed and played with the dog's toys. Now it's nice to be home though, with no dogs and just me and him to care for. Running around and having a million places to eat is nice but it's also nice to have home cooked foods. Yes that is formula, we are still nursing and trying to wean while failing. I am thinking of getting mint tea, a friend said that helps and sage in peanut butter. If you have any tips let me know please!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Home away from Home

The last 12 days I have been out of my home helping a friend take care of her dog in San Francisco. She has these two adorable dogs who are still puppies so caring them is a little work. My poor baby boy didn't have his usual toys or surroundings. He was in the car and constantly crying. Lately he wants me to lay my head in his lap with him and he finally falls asleep. We still co-sleep. I tried putting him in his crib but once his legs grew strong enough he knew how to get out. My tall little boy. So we transitioned and fear that he was going to fall or look for me I started co sleeping and nursing still. We still breast feed and seems like he still doesn't want to stop. Who would right? Anyways, finally home and he's asleep. I'm so thankful to help my friend and surround my son around animals. I always wanted that as a kid.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Cup Comparison Chart

Hello. I am just here to show you this link about how to compare a menstrual cup you may have to find a better fit if you haven't already. If you have used it for more than a few months, maybe it's time to look into a new one. Disclosure: All these cups are mine. I still have all these cups. I feel it's important to find the cup you need. It can be hard to rule out a cup since they are expensive and there are so many pretties to choose from. I hope you find this link helpful. Disclosure: some of these I have received for a honest product review.